In the winter of 2015, in upstate New York, the Lovett brothers and their father discussed the various challenges facing both the live entertainment sector and hospitality industries. For Ben Lovett, who had spent his career both on and off the stage building a reputation as a pioneering force in the music industry, the steady decline of independent music venues across the World was causing sleepless nights. Whilst more people than ever were buying tickets and attending concerts, the variety and diversity of the spaces were reducing and what remained was becoming homogenous. With rising property costs and various other industry specific factors working against independent venues, the traditional commercial model was increasingly becoming unsustainable, and with announcements of iconic venue closures coming almost monthly, Ben was determined to find a way to turn the tide. Meanwhile, Greg Lovett, who had dedicated his life’s work to the hospitality industry working alongside some of the biggest operations in the World, the challenge facing bars and restaurants was also becoming harder and harder. Relevancy and retention of customers were at odds with ever shortening attention spans and a relentless schedule of new concepts being launched in major cities across the World. Thus, The Lowline Entertainment group was born.